Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gendercide (extra credit)

"Never again" said the Jews (and many others) about the Holocaust. However, there have been many such tragedies in the 20th and 21st centuries, some of them going on right now. Please take a look at the "case studies" on the Gendercide site (look at the case study drop down menu on the left hand side of the page). Choose one of the studies (or one of the articles on the Gendercide main page), and comment here on that article/case study. In studying for the final exam, you might find particularly useful the Armenia case study, the Bangladesh case study, the Nanking (Nanjing) case study, and the Rwanda case study.  In what way does the information on this site help justify the 20th century's nickname "The Age of Violence" or the 21st century's nickname "The Age of Stupidity"?


  1. The Nanking Case Study - This case was also known as "The Rape of Nanking." This war targeted both Chinese men and women. These people were gang raped and then killed after so those committing the rape would not get in trouble. The people that weren't killed were either brutally injured or extremely traumatized.
    This case study definitely justifies the nickname "The age of Violence" for the 20th century. Because of all the innocent Chinese people that were brutally killed. This genocidal rampage killed over half of the population in Nanking as well as damaging much of the city.
    - Melayna Waisanen

  2. The Armenian Genocide for sure goes hand in hand with the 20th century nick name "Age of Violence." The Turkish government wanted to completely exterminate the Armenian population for basically no reason. They killed off almost the entire population, a whole race on the brink of being whipped out. This is a prime example of senseless violence in the 20th century.
    Tyler Spearman

  3. The case study Bangladesh shows that the east Pakistani rulers sent their army to kill unarmed non violent Bangladeshi people. But they sent to kill these people without any goal or reason. Like many other example of genocide of 20th century, it was another brutal and barbarian one. This century's activities really reflects the significance of the title - "THE AGE OF VIOLENCE"


  4. The Armenian Genocide is a prime example of the 20th century being "the Age of Violence". The Turkish government wanted to exterminate the Armenian male population. The Turks also made the women, children, and elderly perform a death march. This resulted in a majority of the population of Armenia was wiped out.
