Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Congratulations! You have successfully navigated to Inherently Interesting Fall 2014, the most wonderful, most interesting, and most important blog at this particular URL. Your comments and questions on this blog will help make the class even more wonderful and interesting--and occasionally earn you a bit of extra credit!

 To add your comments, click on the "comments" link immediately below. You may leave your comments as an "anonymous" blogger so that you don't have to set up an account. On extra credit assignments, be sure to include your name at the end of the post so I know who to give credit to.

To get started, here's a test of the History 122 extra credit system. Click the "comments" link below and give me your honest answer: what's the first thing that comes into your head when you here the word history?


  1. My mind goes back to my AP US history course I took as a sophomore in high-school. This was actually the last time I took a course in history, so you could say for me that until now, it's been a "thing of the past." It'll definitely be nice to refresh my memory in areas I've learned previously and discover "new" areas of history as well!

  2. The first word I think of is "old", and then I think about my high school history teacher who would always sit on his desk tell a history story, have the class debate on different aspects of the story, and then he would play devils advocate. He made the class interesting to say the least.

  3. Yes, that is the first word I thought of in class. I cant wait to learn more about all the ancient arts!

  4. The first word I think of is war. All throughout history there has been very little time of peace between nations.

  5. I think of names and dates that you have to be able to spit back at a teacher on command, while simultaneously never truly learning anything.

  6. The first word that comes to my mind when I hear the word history is ancestry. I think it is really interesting to learn about how my relatives could have been something so significant.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The word Exploration comes to my mind when I think of history. Coming from a different country and discovering a completely new world is interesting to me.

  9. I think of stories. In my experience a teacher either tells a good story or reads off a power point. The story tellers are the best ones.

  10. When the word history comes to mind, the first thing I think of is how America came to be. I think of all the things that have happened to put America in the position it is in now. History is a fascinating subject. There's so many things that have happened.

  11. History. It prompts a variety of thoughts. Ancient history, pharoahs, kings, the gardens of babylon. Oh! To be able to time travel and take part in these times! Lindsey Sandell

  12. When I see the word history, I think of the ancient battles and wars that have been fought. I think of the kings and queens that would rule over the people in kingdoms. I see history as a positive and a negative word. Positive because we can see all of our accomplishments and how far human kind has come. Negative because all of our mistakes are laid out right in front of us. I also think about my high school history classes and teachers and the memories associated with them.
    Mikki Braun

  13. When I hear the word history, I think of all the different events that have happened since the start of the world all the way up to where we are today. All of these events affect us in many different ways and I think its very fascinating to learn about all those past events!
