Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Get Involved!

I like to encourage my students to participate in extra-curricular events whenever they have time. I especially like to encourage to get involved with fine arts events on campus, and I occasionally give an extra credit point or two to students who participate in these vents.

I'd like to particularly encourage you to participate in the Constitution Day events on Wednesday, September 17.  You can get extra credit for attending either Dr. Schaff''s presentation at noon in the NSU library or Lt. Col. Christopher Lindberg;ss presentation at 8:00 p.m. in Krikac Auditorium.

Dr. Schaff's talk is titled, "Our Once and Future Constitution. "Lt. Col. Lindberg's title is "Calling Forth the Militia: The Constitution and the Armed Services."  Both talks should be of interest to Northern students, and they are relevant to some of the themes we will be talking about in History 122.

I'd also like to encourage you to attend the faculty recital on Thursday, September 18, at 7:30 p.m. in Krikac recital hall. NSU has an amazing music faculty, and, for music lovers, getting a chance to hear them perform is an opportunity not to be missed.

To get extra credit for any of the above events, just click on the comment button below and share your impressions of the presentation.  What did you learn?  What did you particularly enjoy? 


  1. I went to the Faculty Recital. I thought it was amazing! We have such great music professors (along with non music professor) here at Northern. It gave off a professional yet relaxed feel to it. My favorite piece by far was Ku Ku. SOOOO humorous!!! I feel blessed as a Music Major to be able to work with these phenomenal musicians.
    -Nyssa Duffield

  2. I attended the faculty recital. I learned that there are some fun ways to show off your talents. I particularly enjoyed the pieces with more than one instrument or an instrument and vocal. It shows how amazing more than one instrument working together can sound. We have some very talented music faculty!
    -Melayna Waisanen

  3. I went to the faculty recital, I knew that all the faculty had amazing talent but I was nearly blown out of my chair when I realized they were so much better than I even thought. I really enjoyed listening to them, and being a music major I am excited to have them as my teachers.

    1. I also wanted to say that if anyone couldn't go, you really missed out on an amazing show.
      -Colton Schaefer

  4. I went to the faculty recital last Thursday. It was so incredible to see, once again, how talented our faculty is here. One of my favorite performances was Hemke's soprano sax piece. It was awesome to see all of the different and advanced sounds you can make on the saxophone. This concert really made me excited to study under all of these professors for the next four years.
    -Katie Appl

  5. I went to the the faculty recital and really enjoyed it! It was really fun to see Dr. Hempke play Ku Ku on his clarinet. Every act that night was great. We definitely have very talented faculty at Northern. It was well worth going, and so awesome that you can see it for free!

  6. I went to the faculty recital and I loved the Chopin piece by Dr. Jacobson! But my favorite was Mr. Hemke with his soprano saxophone with Ku Ku.

    Tyler Smith

  7. I went to the faculty recital and what I enjoyed the most was "All the Things You Are" performed by Paul Dutt on the guitar and Dennis Mcdermott on trumpet.
    Paulo Jimenez

  8. I went to the faculty recital. Even though I hear over and over again how great our music programs are here at Northern, I was still amazed at the amount of talent we have on this campus. It is crazy how good the instruments all sound together. Our music professors do a fantastic job of teaching the music students. Anything is possible with our outstanding music program.

  9. Faculty recital, I've never seen something like that in Bolivia. It's great to see our teachers performing, is another way to learn too, especially if your major is related with music. The recital was fantastic, but the thing I liked the most was "all the things you are" by Paul Dutt and Dennis McDermott
    - Ever Jimenez

  10. I went to Calling Forth the Militia and the Faculty Recital. I thought Calling Forth the Militia was interesting because he talked about how different it was from the national guard and how it was established way before the United States was even born.
    I thought the Faculty Recital was great. I thought they all played and sang amazingly. I think it's cool to see the teachers performing instead of the students for once. I personally enjoyed the piano pieces.

  11. I went to Lt. Col. Christopher Lindberg presentation and it was interesting I did not know that the National Guard is under the Governor control but is paid by the Federal Government. -kirk Bender

  12. I went to both the Calling Forth the Militia and the Faculty Recital.
    I was actually really intrigued with the Calling Forth the Militia presentation because my brother is actually in the national guards so I had thought I pretty much new everything about it, but I definitely learned some new things.
    The Faculty Recital was nothing like I expected. I had no idea Northern had such talented faculty. One of my favorite performance was probably around the fourth performance of the night and it was opera singing. It was like nothing I've ever heard before.
    -Shayli Kirsch

  13. I attended the faculty recital and had an absolute blast! I knew the Northern's faculty was full of musical talent, but I did not know to that extent. I haven't ever gotten to just sit down and listen to that many of our faculty perform. It was absolutely wonderful. Being a voice major myself, I was expecting to enjoy the singing much more than any instrumental pieces, but those were just as fantastic! I feel very blessed and much more appreciative to the fact that I'm being taught by such phenomenal musicians.

    -Lexi Becht

  14. I went to the faculty recital in Krikac and I absolutely loved getting to listen to all the different musical pieces. My favorite was Marcela Faflak's piano piece that she did. I had taken piano lessons from her in high school and it was neat getting to hear her play. I also always love getting to hear Dr. Manhart play the trumpet too so his was another piece that I really enjoyed with the piano and singing along with it! The whole performance was very neat!
    Taylor Ellingson
