Monday, October 6, 2014

Condorcet's Progress of the Human Mind (extra credit)

I summarized for you Condorcet's Progress of the Human Mind in class.  You will get a somewhat better feel for Condorcet is you read the essay for yourself.  Please read through this abridged version.  What do you see here that adds to or modifies the impressions of Condorcet you got from lecture? 


  1. In the lecture, it was simply told that if education was accessible to everyone and everyone were educated, everything would be solved. That matches up to the essay. However, one thing I noticed in the essay that wasn't fully conveyed in class is that this "education" is a process. It will take time for the education to be thorough enough for complete resolution of all the bad going on in the world. The education and change was by no means expected to be immediate. However, that process, if even possible, is much more lengthy than Condorcet would have imagined.
    - Cody Martens

  2. The document was nice to read but quite scholarly and stuffy in the understanding. Yes, primary sources are important but they don't have to be as stand off-ish as this was. It sounded like an official lecture, not always a good thing. In my opinion the language he used to cover the topic was well derived, this being said, there is a time and place to sound like an academia elite, this type of explanation to give to the people is not that place. He is trying to relate to the people but not truly connecting, the lecture in class and spark notes are more direct and used examples more relateable knowledge wise. I enjoyed the document, but to only see this is a slight headache, not everything must be this official, especially if it's for all people to learn and heed a message from.

  3. His essay shows that there is absolutely no downside to having as much education as possible. Going on that, it really solidifies the impression of him I got in class. Everything is about education, and I find that I like his ideas and want them to be true. I think there are many, many things we can fix about world with the proper education, but I find myself doubting that everything falls into that category.

  4. This piece really displays how much potential education really has. If people key in on education and really give it a chance many good things could come of it. Many issues and problems we have in society today could be solved. I strongly agree with the essay as far as education's importance goes. Knowledge is everything, however; not everything can be solved by education. But it's somewhere to start.

  5. This essay really emphasized how much education can impact a society. This essay says how if everyone had education the community would benefit from it. I highly agree that education will help with many on the problems that occur in society, but I don't think that education is the answer to everything because we will never have enough information to know absolutely everything and education is a long learning process. However, I do think that education helps benefit a society.
    Holly Vancura

  6. This essay has proved that education is one of the most vital things to have in your life. I definitely think that education is an answer for everything, but not all of life's problems. If people were more focused on education nowadays, the whole world would be a much smarter and better place to live.

    Tyler Smith

  7. Within the essay is discusses the fact that when people have more education they are able to solve many varieties of problems. With more education comes less: hunger, war, poverty, tyranny, and so on. The essay discusses that education is the best way to advance and improve all of society. In many ways I would agree that society is benefited by education, but I would also argue that with more education could come oppression. If one person gains an education that is more advanced than another person he could become a tyrant over the lesser educated. In many ways a higher education could be the cause of many problems with society. But in most ways education is a very important part of advancing a society.
    -Colton Schaefer

  8. The essay written, I think, explained that education is a very good thing to have. That education will help in the long run, and that in order for many things to be understood and resloved you must have education. In class, as well as in this article, it is explained that education is one of the most important things if you would like to see the world evolve into better things. Just look at today, we would not be nearly as successful as we are today if it was for educaton now, or even education back then. Education has led to so many great discoveries. I believe that the article did a fairly well job at discribing why education is very important, not only today, but in the 18th century.
    -MacKenzie Gerth

  9. I believe that this essay does make a good point in reference to the importance of education, but I agree with Julez in saying that writing should be to express and not impress. Knowing when and where to use scholarly expressions and terminology is just as important as knowing what they mean. - Nan Hight

  10. I agree with the essay that education is important. education is universal and can affect many aspects of life. It can lead to the advancement of sciences as well as other areas. It can be used to solve problems that society faces as well as preventing new problems from arising. Education is definitely an advantage and can be greatly beneficial.
    - Melayna Waisanen

  11. In class we learned that Condorcet thought that education would end social equality between the sex, help with the economy and would put an end to war. In the essay it talk about the scientific research that education gives to us. Pursuing the science field creates more cures for illness and keeps people happy and healthy. Another field it helps is the mechanical arts. This produces better and strong instruments and machines, making more jobs for our economy. More jobs and more money helps our economy every step of the way. So yes I do agree with the lecture and essay that education is a great way to solve world problems.
    -Lauren Kunz

  12. Between the lecture and the essay, the importance of a successful education for people is crucial. This is especially true for the women of the time. I agree completely with what was discussed in class and in the essay. The importance of a good education cannot be overstated. It is the basis for everything in a person's adult life.
